Think Analogies® B1 - eBook
Learning to Connect Words and Relationships
Grades: 6-12+
Language Arts

Grades: 6-12+
Language Arts

- Multiple Award Winner
Think Analogies® B1 - eBook
Description and Features
Description and Features
Description and Features
Looking for an easy-to-understand method to teach analogies with plenty of practice? This 64-page book teaches students how to analyze and classify analogies by relationship, category, and structure. Students who learn strategies to make and complete analogies benefit in many ways. They sharpen their reasoning skills as they analyze the subtleties of language and relationship presented in analogies. As students learn to understand simple word analogies, they move toward understanding more complex analogous relationships presented in literature, science, and history. Analogies are also a key component of many assessment and ability tests.
Think Analogies® B1 begins with an exploration of word relationships. Students classify word groups and form pairs of related items, and then identify types of analogous relationships and classify them. Finally, they select and supply words and word pairs to complete analogies. This book also teaches how to read and understand analogy structures, describe analogous relationships, and make analogies from word lists.
Lessons and activities include the following:
• Finding Common Attributes • Finding the Exception • Lesson: Seeing Relationships • Making Word Pairs • Lesson: Classifying Word Pairs • Lesson: What Is an Analogy? • Lesson: Clues to Reading Analogies • Reading Analogies • Lesson: Classifying Analogies • Lesson: Classification Analogies • Classification Analogies—Select • Lesson: Comparative Analogies • Comparative Analogies—Select • Classifying Analogies |
• Lesson: Descriptive Analogies • Descriptive Analogies—Select • Classifying Analogies • Lesson: Completing Analogies • Recognizing Correct Analogies • Complete the Analogy—Select • Complete the Analogy Pair • Lesson: Writing Analogies • Complete the Analogy—Select • Complete the Analogy—Supply • Make the Analogy • Card Game Directions • Suggested Word List for Card Games |
eBook Ordering
Our eBooks are electronic versions of the book pages that you may print to any paper printer. You can open the PDF eBook from any device or computer that has a PDF reader such as Adobe® Reader®. You can immediately download your eBook from "My Account" under the "My Downloadable Product" section after you place your order.
Product Details
Item#: | 08916BEP |
Author(s): | Cheryl Block |
TOC: | View Table of Contents |
Subject: | Language Arts |
Type: | Student Book with Answers |
Media: | eBook |
License: | Reproducible |
ISBN–10: | 1-60144-457-5 |
ISBN–13: | 978-1-60144-457-8 |
Pages: | 64 |
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Test preparation available for the following:
Think Analogies® Books prepare students for higher-level vocabulary and reading challenges and for state and other standardized educational assessments including
Stanford 10 or Stanford Achievement Test™
Woodcock-Johnson® Tests of Cognitive Ability (WJ®-R)
Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC)
Otis-Lennon School Ability Test® (OLSAT®)
Cognitive Abilities Test™ (CogAT®)
Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) / Talented and Gifted (TAG)
and many more!
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