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Dr. DooRiddles & Spelling DooRiddles

Associative Reasoning Activities

Grades: PreK-12+

Language Arts

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Grades: PreK-12+

Language Arts

These fun, tantalizing riddles develop students' fluency and understanding of word meanings and associations as they improve their spelling, vocabulary, reading, critical thinking, and creative problem-solving skills.

Perceiving relationships between words, ideas, and concepts is called associative reasoning, which is a skill necessary for creative thought.  Riddle solving requires students to use important skills of associative, inductive, and divergent thinking to find the answers. Students will learn to recognize important ideas, examine these ideas from different points of view, and then find connections between the ideas. These teachable skills are essential for efficient, successful, open-ended problem-solving of all kinds.

Students carefully read or are read a riddle.  They then analyze the first part of the riddle to try to identify the target word. Next, they read the second part of the riddle to determine whether to add, delete, or change the letters of the target word to produce the second word which is the riddle's solution. Solving the riddles requires students to evaluate homonyms, synonyms, homophones, prefixes, roots, and suffixes in order to deduce and spell whole and partial word answers. Each book includes practice activities, suggestions, and answers.

Spelling DooRiddles are a special type of DooRiddle that focuses on the visual and phonetic aspects of spelling and vocabulary. Students use associative reasoning, reading comprehension, and spelling skills to solve the two-part riddles. These riddles also develop critical thinking and creative problem-solving skills.

Perceiving relationships between words, ideas, and concepts is called associative reasoning, which is a skill necessary for creative thought. Riddle solving requires students to use important skills of associative, inductive, and divergent thinking to find the answers. These teachable skills are essential for efficient, successful, open-ended problem-solving of all kinds.

To solve a Spelling DooRiddle, students analyze the first clue of the riddle to try to identify the target word. Next, they read the second and third clues in the riddle to determine how to change the first letter in the target word needed to solve the riddle. Each book includes practice activities, suggestions, and answers. Try a sample and you'll be hooked!

Dr. DooRiddles & Spelling DooRiddles

Description and Features


Description and Features

A fun way to strengthen students' spelling, vocabulary, and reading!

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EBOOK Important eBook Information
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09225BEP Dr. DooRiddles A2 - eBook PreK-2 eBook
09226BEP Dr. DooRiddles A3 - eBook 2-3 eBook
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09221BEP Spelling DooRiddles A1 - eBook 2-3 eBook
09222BEP Spelling DooRiddles B1 - eBook 4-6 eBook
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