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Critical Thinking Detective™ – Math - eBook

Fun Mystery Cases to Improve Math Skills

Grades: 6-12+

Critical Thinking, Mathematics

Grades: 6-12+

Critical Thinking, Mathematics

  •  Multiple Award Winner

Description and Features

These popular, easy-to-use detective cases are suitable for Grades 6 – 12+. Students must apply critical reading, critical thinking, and mathematical reasoning. The mathematics needed to solve these cases require the application of common middle school math concepts, but don’t be fooled! The real challenges are to first identify the clues by synthesizing from different witnesses and suspects, and then determine the necessary math needed to turn the clues into evidence.

Some cases may be more challenging for younger students, but teachers and parents can always use the optional hints provided to help students that reach a dead end. The cases also develop observation skills, reading comprehension, and deductive and inductive thinking skills. Learning to identify and evaluate evidence is the very heart of critical thinking.

For more critical thinking and detective fun, please see the complete Critical Thinking Detective series and Something's Fishy in Lake Iwannafsha.

eBook Ordering
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Product Details

Item#: 11681BEP
Author(s): Darin Beigie
TOC: View Table of Contents
Subject: Critical Thinking, Mathematics
Type: Student Book with Answers
Media: eBook
License: Printable
ISBN–13: 978-1-60144-931-3
Pages: 48, color


The Old Schoolhouse - Homeschool Blue Ribbon Award for Favorite Middle School Product

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