Cranium Crackers Book 3 - eBook
Critical Thinking Activities in Math
Grades: 7-8
Critical Thinking, Mathematics

Grades: 7-8
Critical Thinking, Mathematics

- Multiple Award Winner
Cranium Crackers Book 3 - eBook
Description and Features
Description and Features
Description and Features
Cranium Crackers helps students develop strong computation and analytical skills necessary for outstanding success in math.
Contains a large variety of mathematical and verbal thinking activities unlike any collection available anywhere. Students cannot solve these activities by rote. They must think their way through each problem, developing skills that help them solve any new computation and word problem they’ll encounter.
Teaching Support
Includes hints, answers, and subject indexes of math concepts and thinking skills.
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Product Details
Item#: | 03407BEP |
Author(s): | Anita Harnadek |
TOC: | View Table of Contents |
Subject: | Critical Thinking, Mathematics |
Type: | Student Book with Answers |
Media: | eBook |
License: | Reproducible |
ISBN–10: | 1-60144-218-1 |
ISBN–13: | 978-1-60144-218-5 |
Pages: | 224 |
Cathy Duffy's 100 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum Award
Test preparation available for the following:
Cranium Crackers prepares students for top performance on assessment tests, including
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children® (WISC®)
California Achievement Tests (CAT)
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