Reviews for Building Thinking Skills® Level 3 Figural 12
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Apr 7, 2013
Transfer potential is high.…The amount of reinforcement is outstanding.
Apr 7, 2013
Students who are still acquiring English face a lack of background knowledge in English and the skills necessary to process the new information. Building Thinking Skills® has helped me meet both these challenges, and I have test scores and happy faces to back this up.
Apr 7, 2013
Prepares students' minds for logic.
Apr 7, 2013
We have been using Building Thinking Skills® for years and have found them invaluable in providing students with the mental tools they need to be enthusiastic learners.
Apr 7, 2013
My 8th-grade granddaughter finished both Building Thinking Skills® Book 3s before taking the Iowa Test of Basic Skills. She scored post-high school–in fact she was 'off the charts!'
Apr 7, 2013
When my students took the Stanford Achievement Test, they scored well above grade level in everything except thinking skills. I heard about Building Thinking Skills® from a friend.…After working with it just one year, they maxed out the thinking section of the test at the 99th percentile.
Apr 7, 2013
Dear The Critical Thinking Company:Last year I took the responsibility of using Building Thinking Skills® with a number of our students as an experiment. In my 17 years in the district, I haven't seen anything work the way this program did. The improvement was phenomenal, especially for our at-risk populations and second-language students. It pulled them up in one year as I could not have imagined possible. We love it and are ordering it for our primary students and, in time, for the entire school.
Apr 7, 2013
Dear The Critical Thinking Company: We decided to do a limited experiment with students in our school to see if Building Thinking Skills® would help them perform better on standardized and state tests. Last year I began to work directly with some of our students after school. The improvement was remarkable. Test scores went up even after the first few months we used the program. I'm totally sold on the program and will be ordering it for my school. I'd like to see Building Thinking Skills® for every child in every classroom to begin each day.
Apr 7, 2013
Our students had taken the Woodcock-Johnson test then they did the Building Thinking Skills®. Post BTS, the kids were tested again and had tremendous achievement in their scores. Their language scores improved by three years, and they averaged more than a year's growth in all other areas.
Apr 7, 2013
Don't miss out on these books. Each book has...a wide variety of fun and educational activities than can significantly improve a child's ability to think about problems rather than just mechanically apply a few memorized techniques. Because they contain such a large number of verbal and figural exercises, these books are a bargain. If you purchase just one supplementary book this year, this is the one to get.