Building Thinking Skills® Beginning 1
Question and Answer Activities to Improve Academic Performance
Grades: Toddler-PreK
Critical Thinking

Full curriculum
Grades: Toddler-PreK
Critical Thinking

Full curriculum
- Multiple Award Winner
Components Sold Separately
Building Thinking Skills® Beginning 1
Description and Features
Description and Features
Description and Features
This colorful, fun 224-page book develops critical thinking skills necessary for success in reading, writing, math, science, social studies, and standardized tests. It also teaches many academic concepts and skills taught in kindergarten and first grade.
The fun, highly-effective and engaging reasoning activities improve the vocabulary, pre-reading, pre-writing, math, logic, spatial, and auditory processing skills of preschoolers. It teaches students to use organized analysis instead of guesswork to solve problems. The book may be used as a complete critical thinking curriculum to prepare young minds for preschool academics.
- Visual Tracking
- Visual Constancy
- Visual Motor Skills
- Spatial Relationships
- Auditory Processing
- Auditory Memory
- Fine Motor Skill Development
- Inferential Reasoning/Prediction
- Deduction
- Identifying Similarities & Differences
- Classifying
- Identifying Sequences
- Completing Analogies
- Creative Problem Solving
- Colors
- Logical Connectives (And, Or)
- Lines (Straight, Curved, Straight and Curved)
- Open & Closed Figures
- Corners
- Geometric Shapes (Circle, Triangle, Rectangle, Square)
- Behind & In-Between
- Above & Below
- Measurement (Longer, Longest, Shorter, Shortest, Larger, Largest, Smaller, Smallest)
- Half & Whole
- Left & Right
Teaching Support
Activities are modeled to reinforce reasoning skills and concepts. Building Thinking Skills® Beginning may be used with attribute blocks (optional). See components sold separately above for ordering information for these manipulatives.
Product Details
Item#: | 05233PBP |
Author(s): | Michael Baker and Stephanie Stevens |
TOC: | View Table of Contents |
Subject: | Critical Thinking |
Type: | Student Book |
Media: | Paperback Book |
License: | Reproducible |
ISBN–10: | 0-89455-911-7 |
ISBN–13: | 978-0-89455-911-2 |
Pages: | 224, Color (Perforated) |
Practical Homeschooling Magazine - Reader Awards, 2014 - 3rd Place, Logic
Test preparation available for the following:
Building Thinking Skills® includes reading, writing, figural-spatial, logic, and math-related activities to prepare students for high levels of success on a wide variety of assessment tests, including:
Michigan Educational Assessment Program (MEAP)
Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS™)
Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT)
Ohio Proficiency Test
North Carolina Competency Test in Reading
Arizona Instrument to Measure Standards (AIMS)
Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS)
Virginia Standards of Learning (VSOL)
Iowa Tests of Basic Skills® (ITBS®)
California Achievement Tests (CAT/6)
Stanford Achievement Test™ (SAT/10)
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, Fourth Edition
Otis-Lennon School Ability Test® (OLSAT®)
Secondary School Admissions Test (SSAT)
TerraNova (CTBS), Terra Nova, The Second Edition (CAT/6)
Woodcock-Johnson® Tests (WJ-III®, WJ-R®)
Cognitive Abilities Test™ (CogAT®)
Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) / Talented and Gifted (TAG)
Wechsler Intelligence Scales for Children® (WISC®)
Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scales of Intelligence™ (WPPSI™)
Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test® (NNAT®)
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT-R)
Independent School Entrance Exam (ISEE)
and many more!