Reviews for Balance Benders™ Beginning
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Feb 4, 2014
My children love these 'Bender' books; in fact, I would not be exaggerating if I said they were addicted to them. I sincerely thank you for a product that makes what can be extremely difficult skills to master an absolute blast for my children. On a side note, I would like to mention that I am a doctoral candidate in education at Northeastern University, and have recommended these products to peers and colleagues as the best of the best.
Feb 4, 2014
The kids enjoyed the challenge of these puzzles and I enjoyed each aha moment they had when a puzzle was solved. It was really awesome when they asked me if they can do more 'school work.' If you are a homeschooling family wondering how to introduce algebraic concepts, I highly recommend the workbooks.
Feb 4, 2014
As the mom and teacher, I LOVE that these books really make my children think hard and stretch them to think about things and problems they have never encountered before.
Feb 4, 2014
By making the problems visual and removing the numbers, algebra is automatically made far less overwhelming and much more concrete. I would definitely recommend these books.
Feb 4, 2014
The beginning book just gets them hooked and wanting more
Feb 4, 2014
I've seen improvement in my daughter's overall-math lessons as she has worked through the book
Feb 4, 2014
This book of reproducible worksheets provides hours of logic and algebraic reasoning fun! We love, love, loved, these activities!
Feb 4, 2014
Used as a supplement to whatever math program is being used, this book definitely provides exposure to a greater variety of math problems than endless pages of math drills
Feb 4, 2014
Balance Benders™ meets a great need of building deductive reasoning as well as building the understanding of balancing equations
Feb 4, 2014
My 9th grade boy is dyslexic and struggles in math, but is a 'Mr. Fix It.' He is hands-on type of guy. He picked it up in 30 seconds and did them all. Then he flipped through to the next page and did all of them, and then laughed that we could not figure it out.